City of Glendale, CA
Home MenuBusiness Registration Certificate (BRC)
Every business located in Glendale, including subleases, is required to apply for and maintain a valid Business Registration Certificate (BRC) regardless of any other licenses or certificates a business may have previously obtained. The BRC replaces Zoning Use Certificates (ZUCs) and Use & Occupancy Certificates (U&Os). BRCs must be renewed annually. BRC's must be posted in a visible location for all to see. Follow this link to the Glendale Zoning and Parcel Map for more information about zoning at your current or proposed business address.
If you change your business's activities, square footage, business name, ownership, location/address, or other such details, you must apply for a new BRC. NOTE: Your BRC will no longer be valid once anything listed on your BRC is not current.
BRC Fee: $428.00 (Annual Renewals: $109.00)
GlendalePermits, an online permit portal for all City of Glendale permits, launched on September 13, 2022. The portal allows Glendale businesses to apply for and renew their Business Registration Certificate, as well as a variety of other permits and licenses, from anywhere.
BRCs can be applied for or renewed by the following steps:
- Create an account on the Glendale Permits website.
- Apply for Business Registration Certificate.
When filing your online application you must submit the following documentation:
- A copy of the lease agreement showing the property address, individual leasing the space, and signatures of both parties.
- If subleasing, a letter from the property owner stating that he/she is aware that a sublease is in effect.
DO NOT apply for a BRC if:
- You are a contractor. Instead, please apply for a Contractor’s License.
- You have a home-based business. Instead, please apply for a Home Occupation Permit.
- Your business has no physical office, retail, or industrial space in the City of Glendale (Sale from Motor Vehicle and Sidewalk Vendors do still require BRC even with no physical address).
- You fall under one of these exemption categories: home daycare; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; home-sharing as defined in Section 5.56.030; multiple residential dwellings; residential congregate living, limited; residential congregate living, medical; residential congregate living, non-medical; and senior housing.