Food & Film at the Train Tracks 2013


The South Glendale Community Plan is a community-based policy document that will promote a vision of how Glendale constituents want their neighborhoods to develop and prosper. Many residents in this area are constituents who would not normally attend traditional planning-related outreach meetings. In order to engage this community properly, CDD’s outreach team developed non-traditional specialized outreach events that were attended by hundreds of area residents.

  • Food and Film at the Train Tracks on October 3, 2013
    This event drew surrounding community to the Historic Glendale Transportation Center (GTC).  It featured a walking tour, food trucks and the screening of “Double Indemnity,” a movie that was originally filmed at the station. Staff was on hand to raise awareness about the South Glendale Community Plan and to gather community feedback. As a result, 157 surveys and 25 Walking Tour Photo surveys were completed; the most ever for a Glendale planning effort. Event Photos
  • Fall Festival in the Park on November 16, 2013
    This family oriented festival held at Cerritos Park, attracted residents from the South Glendale area. A variety of unconventional tools and activities were designed to educate and solicit input from the local community and resulted in over 150 responses. Event Photos
  • Tropico Halloween Spooktacle - October 31, 2015
    During this community event staff reported back to residents about feedback they provided at a previously at Fall festival in the Park. Ideas and comments from attendees were also gathered. Approximately 300 people attended the event. Event Photos

In an effort to reach as many residents as possible, these events were heavily publicized using a variety of methods including: on-site event banners, City website, City E-Newsletter - City Connection, Twitter, Facebook, CDD E-Newsletter, e-mail blasts, GTV6, advertising in the Glendale News Press and LA Weekly, and flyers at City public counters & Libraries, and the Glendale Unified School District Thursday folder.

The City's innovative approach to community outreach for the South Glendale Community Plan was recognized in 2014 with the Public Outreach Award of Merit.